Bootcamp Training
The Electric Depot Bootcamp is a 10-part educational series on factors needed to successfully scale electric trucks in fleet operations — hosted by the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE) and RMI — for fleet managers, utility planners, policymakers, and more. Run on Less – Electric DEPOT (RoL-E DEPOT) this September is focused on fleet depots with 15 or more electric trucks. The Electric Depot Bootcamp is designed to help the entire electric truck ecosystem understand what it takes to move to wider deployment of EVs and is designed to:
- Increase industry awareness of the various entities that need to work together to overcome the challenges of widespread EV deployment
- Provide professional development opportunities to decision-makers at all stages of their electrification journey
- Synthesize quick takeaways and recommendations from NACFE and RMI’s electric truck work to date
- Convene fleets, truck makers, utilities, regulators, NGOs, charging manufacturers, to discuss best practices for scaling EVs at fleet depots.

The Electric Depot Bootcamp will be conducted via virtual trainings held biweekly from April through September 2023 leading up to RoL-E DEPOT. The Bootcamp is free to attendees thanks to the generous support of RoL-E DEPOT sponsors. Each training will be recorded and available for viewing via the links below after each session is completed.
Attendees can demonstrate comprehension of the material — via optional online quizzes following each training — and have the opportunity to earn digital badges that recognize their expertise and which can be shared via attendees’ social networks. Badges are available for those who complete one, five, or 10 trainings via Participation in the quizzes and badging system is not required for participation in the Bootcamp trainings. For questions related to the Electric Depot Bootcamp, see our FAQs. For any additional Bootcamp questions, please contact Rachel Ellenberger.