Coming September 2025
Run on Less — Messy Middle

Bringing Clarity to Long Haul
The next Run on Less event will focus on heavy-duty Class 8 trucks — sleepers and day cabs — in long-haul return-to-base and over-the-road duty cycles.
We are calling this demonstration Run on Less – Messy Middle and we will be focusing on the multiple powertrain solutions that are currently available to fleets, including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cells, renewable natural gas, renewable and bio diesel, and Hybrids. We will be looking at energy efficiency technologies for all fuel types. We hope to bring some clarity to long haul.

Join dozens of industry experts for a series of presentations and discussion panels as we gear up for the event with a deep-dive into the world of evolving fuel technologies.
Click to Register
Run on Less — Messy Middle is made possible with support from fleets and truck makers who volunteer to participate in the Run and sponsors underwriting the costs associated with the Run.
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